4 Ways To Address Stress In Your Life

Effective stress management begins with knowing what stressors you have in your life. It's difficult to fix something if you don't know the cause. Your health is affected by your lifestyle, and people generally have stressors that require a lifestyle change. Here are four ways to address stressors in your life so that you can be on your way to managing it better. 

Check Your Work/Life Balance

When your work/life boundaries aren't adhered to, you are likely to feel the effects. Not taking adequate time for yourself and other needs each day can take its toll. If you're checking emails after office hours, agreeing to do extra projects and staying late, you need to start enforcing your boundaries more rigidly. Your heath will start to decline if it hasn't already. This is because stressful work can interrupt sleep, preventing your from eating healthfully and increase hormones that cause you to gain weight. 

Check Your Friendships

Relationships can be massive stressors for people. If you're always doing a lot of things for your friends, but you're not getting much back, it's likely to feel exhausting and more stressful. If your friends have a lot of drama, then that can add on. Surround yourself with people who appreciate you and give back when it's needed. Friendships should help you de-stress instead of pile it on. 

Pay Attention To Your Health

It can be hard to know what is adding stress to your life or how it's affecting you. Your heart rate might increase when you're experiencing acute anxiety with a friend or when you take on extra work. This might be a good sign that you're dealing with a stressor. Functional medicine is about knowing how and why something happens in your body. Stressful situations increase your heart rate, sweating, shaking and several other symptoms that people don't often connect to stressors. 

Medication Doesn't Fix Stressors

Medication doesn't fix the stressors in your life or remove them. You have to use natural healing and functional medicine to ease the load and reduce stressors. People are often disappointed to find that there's no easy way to fix a life that is out of balance. Hormones can be fixed with medication to some extent, but they often get better when high-stress lifestyles are eliminated. 

Natural healing activates when you have dedicated time to managing the high-stress activities and behaviors in your life for a few weeks. Reducing the effects takes time, and the body needs to find a new equilibrium when you're resolving bad habits. 

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