The Biochemistry of Stress

Stress is something that adults, as well as children, have to live with on an almost daily basis. The influence anxiety has on your well-being depends on how you manage or react to it. How you react to feelings of anxiety is what can turn your distress into good stress, or eustress. 

Chemical Balance and Anxiety

Stressful or exciting events create a chemical response in the body. When the brain translates a situation we are going through as stressful or exciting, it instructs the hormonal glands to produce more dopamine, adrenaline and cortisol, among other hormones associated with stress. 

You can feel the impact of these chemicals as they flood the body. Your heart rate increases dramatically, your body temperature rises and you begin sweating. You might not be running from a rabid dog or violent attacker, but your body shows all the signs of it! This is what is called a fight-or-flight response. 

When we are not materially or mentally prepared for excitement, we can react to the release of these hormones negatively. It's these responses that are encoded into our bodies and minds that have helped humanity survive during pre-historic times. In those days, every ounce of strength and mental alertness was needed to survive every day. 

These days, stressful situations come in different forms. It might be a disturbing email or a past-due bill that triggers the same response. However, we are not living in caves, mountains or jungles anymore. We have to find different ways of managing our anxiety levels. This is one of the primary reasons exercise is always suggested as a way of mitigating high anxiety levels. 

Lifestyle Changes for Mental Health

Although generally considered negative things, moderate levels of anxiety, nervousness and restlessness can contribute to a healthy mind and body. Think about the last time you were excited about meeting someone new or landing a new, higher-paying job.

Taking part in most types of competitive activities or games creates the same excited, but positive response. It's just that, in positive cases, our point of view is different. The point of view we take alone can create positive feelings that motivate us or negative feelings that take their toll on our minds and bodies. 

Making some simple lifestyle changes can help you regulate the chemical equilibrium in your brain as well as how you respond to intense feelings and emotions. Most people suffer from an unbalanced work/life that is more in favor of work than life. A healthy work/life balance is crucial to mental health and psychological well-being.

Functional Medicine's Viewpoint on Anxiety

Functional medicine is an approach to treating physical and mental illness by addressing the root cause of the problem, not simply by treating symptoms of it. The entire individual is taken into account because everything is connected. Natural healing methods are preferred because these tend to be the safest and most therapeutic. 

There are a host of natural healing therapies that can be suggested by physicians or therapists who practice functional medicine. These therapies can include switching to a healthier diet, exercising regularly, meditation, deep breathing exercises and cognitive behavioral therapy. Incorporating simple habits into your daily life can help turn your distress into eustress.

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